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Renewed: Baptism Celebration

Updated: Dec 2, 2022

In August, three of our residents, John, Darren, and Terry, got to attend Weekend of Hope, a retreat for growing deeper with God while healing from the past.

The men grew in faith and knowledge through the sessions and activities over the weekend. John, who is in our Recovery Program, decided he wanted to make a public profession of his faith by getting baptized! As he described what he experienced, he had joy written all over his face.

John, during one of the group discussions
John, during one of the group discussions
"I feel like a weight lifted off me. I feel lighter. I'm a new man."

We are rejoicing to see the transformation taking place in John's life - God is good!

Darren and Terry also experienced growth over the weekend as they worshipped, studied Scripture, and prayed with other believers.

Darren with two of the retreat volunteers
Darren with two of the retreat volunteers

We are so grateful to the churches and individuals who donated the funds for John, Darren, and Terry to attend this retreat. Their generosity provided the opportunity for these men to be impacted emotionally and spiritually.

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