A local 6th grader, Joshua, and some of his fellow martial artists, recently hosted a Ninja Race to raise money for Oliver Gospel's Toby's Place. Joshua and his friends, who had recently tested for their black belts in Tae Kwon Do, were required to do a community service project to earn their black belts.
Tasked with finding a charity to support, Joshua had heard about Toby's Place through his mom and church, and felt God prompt him to choose Toby's Place. He saw the need to help women and children experiencing homelessness and was excited to support a program helping people not much younger than him. Joshua said that he was glad he picked a Christian organization because Toby's Place doesn't just meet people's physical needs, but we also share the Gospel and tell people about Jesus.
Together with Legacy Martial Arts, Joshua raised about $500 for Toby's Place!
We praise God for how He is using Joshua, and many others like him, to transform our community with the love of Christ!